Profession and Ethics


The Ethical Code of RoSE represents the view by which in order to make a qualified assessment it is necessary to reach a high standard of professional responsibility. Each and every clause of the Ethical Code is based on the concept of professional respect. The Ethical Code of RoSE is the means by which our aim can be achieved.

We consider that the Ethical Code is innovative for Romania, and is based on responsibilities and oriented towards the requirements of the local, national and international professional conduct.

In the recent 15 years, due to novelty of concepts and activities, the project assessment, and the evaluation of programs and public policy were characterized by opportunism and confusion. This state of affair was due to the lack of a coherent view with regard to the needs and new mechanism for assessment and evaluation, and the absence of ethics or code of conduct. At the same time, mainly project assessors did not need any certification to work in this new field, being perceived more like subcontractors or consultants, lacking representation and a coherent voice.

The need of founding RoSE as an association, and the development of the Ethical Code has emerged naturally. It is high time for the RoSE members to have their own Ethical Code, and became professionals like all the other liberal professions.

Setting up the principles of the Ethical Code represents for our Association a unique memento, a commitment for integrity and correctness in the assessment and evaluation. The occupation of Project Assessor established by the Romanian Occupation Code (ROC) aims at indicating that competency, honesty and professional integrity are key elements and the basis for the mentioned occupation in Romania.
As a result, the Occupational Standard (OS) developed by RoSE, and approved by the relevant authorities comprises high professional standard that assessors are committed to follow in their activity based on the Ethical Code.

The Project of Ethical Responsibility and of the Ethical Code can be debated by all members of the association and can be viewed here.



RoSE as a Member of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation - IOCE, is an active promoter in Romania of the Awareness Campaign “A DECADE OF >>> ACTION

.In September 2019, the UN Secretary-General called on all sectors of society to mobilize for a decade of action on three levels: global action to secure greater leadership, more resources and smarter solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals; local action embedding the needed transitions in the policies, budgets, institutions and regulatory frameworks of governments, cities and local authorities; and people action, including by youth, civil society, the media, the private sector, unions, academia and other stakeholders, to generate an unstoppable movement pushing for the required transformations.


According to the approval of the General Assembly of April 10, 2019, the Romanian Society of Evaluators of Project, Programmes and Public Policies - RoSE changed the Seat of its Headquarters.

Starting with May 2019, the new RoSE Headquarters is seated in Bd. Stefan cel Mare, no. 13 A, CRP Complex, Administrative Block, 1st Floor, Bucharest District 2.

We are waiting for you at our new Headquarters.


Considering RoSE’s experience in developing the Occupational Standard and the results of its activity as authorized professional training for the period 2014-2018, Romanian Society of Evaluators of Project, Programmes and Public Policies - RoSE has been authorized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice and the Ministry National Education to provide training courses for the occupation Evaluator of Projects, COR code 241263, for the further four years-period, starting with February 2019.

The authorization can be consulted here.

The training provided at RoSE Headquarters will be tailored to cope with the new European Programs and to respond to organizations and individuals interested in specific areas of intervention. Upon request, courses can be organized at the seat of interested organizations for groups of min. 10 people or in other locations in the country.

We are waiting for your enrollments and suggestions!


RoSE as an active member of the Eval Partners Global Network, with sound references in international projects, has been invited to participate  in the EvalPartners Innovation Challenge on "Strengthening the Role of VOPEs in Democratizing Learning and Evaluation". This is  to invite RoSE Members to identify transnational partners and to initate a project proposal. The deadline is November 30, 2018. RoSE Board Committee provides support at the request of those interested. The Call for Projects can be consulted here and the Application Form can be downloaded here. We are waiting for your contribution. Best success!
