Project Events

The main events in the Action Plan are:

1.  Project Kick-off Meeting – 22-24 October 2014, Bucharest, Romania

The two-day event took place on RoSE Headquarters in Bucharest.

The first day, the Project Kick-off  Meeting gathered the stakeholders that have expressed their interest to take active part in Project activities.  The Project Coordinator has presented the project and thereafter both partner organizations, MEN si RoSE, presented themselves with respect to their mission and achievements, national background and the identified needs for their institutional development. The discussions and debates were fruitful and productive for the next developments planned under the project.

The second day was dedicated to the project teams that update the work plan, the methodology and share responsibilities and tasks.  The meeting has been concluded through a Minute that records the agreement on the specific project implementation approach..

2. Workshop on evaluation framework – 15-16 November 2014, Skopje, Macedonia

The two-day event took place on BASME (MENs Member Organization) Headquarters in Skopje.

In the first day, MEN/MCA2000, as  host organization, invited the representatives of the twin Project P2P RI-MEN – ‘Regional integration of Macedonian Evaluation Network’, in order to identify potential cooperation and networking opportunities.  RoSE representatives  have delivered presentations on the occupational framework and on the professional competencies with respect to evaluation in Romania. MEN/MCA2000 presented the background of occupational framework in Macedonia and their proposals for enhancing competences in evaluation.

The second day the project teams worked together and agreed through a Minute on the next project developments.

3. Workshop on evaluation framework – 6-7 March 2015, Bucharest, Romania

The two-day event took place on RoSE Headquarters in Bucharest.

The first day the participants agreed on the Agenda of the Meeting, assessed the status of the project and assigned responsibilities for concluding the pending project deliverables, according to the project schedule.

In line with the agreed Workshop Agenda the project teams finalized the data base structure for the evaluators’ network, drafted a release of the Strategy and Action Plan for promoting the evaluation in Macedonia, identified opportunities and set approaches for training assignments among partner organizations in order to ensure project sustainability. At the end of the meeting they signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the next year. The MoU is available here.

The Workshop results are registered in the Minute of the meeting.

4. Final Conference, Skopje, Macedonia – 30 March 2015, Skopje, Macedonia

The event took place in Continental Hotel in Skopje.

In the Project Final Conference have been invited stakeholders concerned with evaluation in Macedonia belonging to higher education, public and private sector. The project manager presented the project and its outcomes. A main interest was raised by the presentation of occupational framework in Romania and the use of occupational standards for education in evaluation. As a follow-up to the project, the proposal to address the specific needs for enhancing competences in evaluation in Macedonia by training assignments with RoSE has got a very positive reaction from the audience.

The Conference outcomes are registered in the Minute of the meeting.

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RoSE as a Member of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation - IOCE, is an active promoter in Romania of the Awareness Campaign “A DECADE OF >>> ACTION

.In September 2019, the UN Secretary-General called on all sectors of society to mobilize for a decade of action on three levels: global action to secure greater leadership, more resources and smarter solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals; local action embedding the needed transitions in the policies, budgets, institutions and regulatory frameworks of governments, cities and local authorities; and people action, including by youth, civil society, the media, the private sector, unions, academia and other stakeholders, to generate an unstoppable movement pushing for the required transformations.


According to the approval of the General Assembly of April 10, 2019, the Romanian Society of Evaluators of Project, Programmes and Public Policies - RoSE changed the Seat of its Headquarters.

Starting with May 2019, the new RoSE Headquarters is seated in Bd. Stefan cel Mare, no. 13 A, CRP Complex, Administrative Block, 1st Floor, Bucharest District 2.

We are waiting for you at our new Headquarters.


Considering RoSE’s experience in developing the Occupational Standard and the results of its activity as authorized professional training for the period 2014-2018, Romanian Society of Evaluators of Project, Programmes and Public Policies - RoSE has been authorized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice and the Ministry National Education to provide training courses for the occupation Evaluator of Projects, COR code 241263, for the further four years-period, starting with February 2019.

The authorization can be consulted here.

The training provided at RoSE Headquarters will be tailored to cope with the new European Programs and to respond to organizations and individuals interested in specific areas of intervention. Upon request, courses can be organized at the seat of interested organizations for groups of min. 10 people or in other locations in the country.

We are waiting for your enrollments and suggestions!


RoSE as an active member of the Eval Partners Global Network, with sound references in international projects, has been invited to participate  in the EvalPartners Innovation Challenge on "Strengthening the Role of VOPEs in Democratizing Learning and Evaluation". This is  to invite RoSE Members to identify transnational partners and to initate a project proposal. The deadline is November 30, 2018. RoSE Board Committee provides support at the request of those interested. The Call for Projects can be consulted here and the Application Form can be downloaded here. We are waiting for your contribution. Best success!
